Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I've mooved; [now move yourself over there!]

Sorry folks.
You won't find me here; I've moved.
Look for the new bloggity at The Leather Journal .


Sunday, April 24, 2011

Breanna : 6 months

Adorable: Check
Well Dressed: Check
Full of Personality: Check

This would be Breanna. To the fullest. It was precious capturing her expressions & personality. Challenging, yes. But wonderful.
I won't lie. I went into this shoot a little hesitant. We were shooting inside. I was scared. I was shooting a small child. I was scared. [sorry small children] ;] But it went well. & i think we really captured who she is.

 Love this giggle. :]

 & coooolor. love it.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Happy & Happy. [Thoughts on my day]

A Sunday; 
A warm & rather lovely Sunday.
One that includes frolicking around my farm in my Muck boots.
Muck boots rock. 
[Please just nod & smile.] ;]

So yeah. 
It was a happy day. 
Loving the spring weather. 
A whole lot. 
It allows me to wear fabb new shoes [that come to me from Jamaicaaa]
Like these :

[I know]

[This is such a girly post: "Shoes? Really Lynds?"]
Ohh well. 
Lovely Monday everyone! 
[Yes. I just said that] 

-xoXo <3

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Breanna : 6 months [sneak peak]

Now this child - she's darling.

Breanna Burkholder

...More to come.

Winter Shoot

Finally. The completion of an unfinished post.

 It's so fluffyyy!

 LOVE these people. : Treen & Patty

 Ohhh. Sun flaaare.

 I believe this ^ would be our "Well that was funny." faces. We probably had these a lot.
 The whole crew
 Trinaa getting her sass on. ;] Don't tell me she doesn't rock this.

Love this last one as well. Mhmm. Good times.

Oh yes. & of course I can't post this without noting the reeeal reason that they drug me out of the house in sub zero weather for a photo shoot [okay. they didn't drag me. I came along quite willingly.] Well the reason was : i arrived home to a housefull of my fave people, who nearly made me have a heartattack while pulling off their beautifully planned birthday party. Whoo-hoo for successful surprise parties. :D

 See? Suh.Prise

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Testing. :]

Hello All.

I know. Fancy seeing me here...but here I am!
& now that we all know, Lyndsi isn't dead...just neglecting her blog,
can we talk about more important things? Kay. Good.

Here's the news : this fall I had a few fabulous photo shoots with families & babies & random ones with friends that never made it to this blog.
Beeecause...of other reasons. Not because I've had a million other things to do...no. That wasn't it. :]
Okaay. So maybe that was it.
& maybe it had something to do with the fact that [sing songy voice] I GOT LIGHTROOM!
Uh. Yeah. That's pretty great.
So I've been trying it out & [re]edit photo & such
Sooo...we'll also pretend that it had something to do with that. :]
So those will be posted sometime in the near future. So be excited for those. Cause they're really fun.
Until then...
Hi. It's good to see you again. & I just stopped by to show this [poor, little, forgotten] blog some love.

Happy Wednesday!